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Lofant Anise (Lophanthus Tibeticus) has proved to be one of the most powerful herbal bio- and immunostimulatory agents, and for this reason many call it “the northern ginseng”. It is used to strengthen the immune system, during rehabilitation after serious illnesses or operations, for relief from nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue. Lofant is very helpful when people experience stressful situations, and it also increases their endurance, normalizes the metabolic process and even slows down aging. It purges the blood from toxins, free radicals and other harmful substances which daily find their way into our organisms due to pollution of air, soil, water etc.

The high content of essential oils in the leaves and stems of the plant has a calming effect and stimulates the cardiovascular system.

Lofant Anise

Contains a various organic acids and many other biologically active substances and vitamins, among which:

B (Boron) 20,36µg/g
Ca (Calcium) 10986µg/g
Fe (Iron) 751µg/g
I (Iodine) 0,33µg/g
K (Potassium) 11625µg/g
Mg (Magnesium) 2497µg/g
Na (Sodium) 2065µg/g

Natural Treatments

Infusions and decoctions from the plant have a tonic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. They are used to treat:

Cardiovascular system

Lofant tea declutters the blood vessels from cholesterol, strengthens the muscles, significantly reduces blood pressure, calms the heart and is used for the treatment of angina.

Headache & Migraine

Due to its high content in essential oils, lofant tea has a mild sedative effect, so it can also cure insomnia and nervous tensions in a person.

Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Lofant has a healing effect in cases of gastritis, enteritis, for diseases of the liver and the urinary tract, and it provides great relief from pain and inflammation.

Diseases of the Respiratory System

Great relief in cases of bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, quinsy, tonsillitis.

Immunity And General Wellbeing

Lofant helps increase low immunity levels, recover from general fatigue. Lofant also stimulates the cell and tissue regeneration.

Our Product

Lofant (lat. Lophanthus Tibeticus) is a perennial herb, which can reach up to 1.0-1.5 meters in height. It has four-sided stems, oval leaves with serrated edges, resembling nettle leaves, and inflorescence in the form of cobs.  Lofant is not only used for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, but it is also regarded as fine melliferous herb, and is often used for decorative purposes. There are many varieties of the plant, but the practical benefit can be derived only from two – Anisic and Tibetan.

Lofant Anise

The  Plant
Lophantus Libeticus

A Miraculous Natural Herb

Protect your Health with the power of nature

Healthy Lifestyle

Lophantus Tibeticus Tea, Infusions, Tinctures and Further Uses